
I was headhunted to SaxoBank as a performance tester. 

I saw a need for automation, and started STF (Saxo Test Framework) which was greatly inspired by the work from NTF.  Later on came need for STE (Saxo Test Environments), STS (Saxo Testautomation Scripting), and then STX for execution and support.

STF: I got together a team of me and three consultants, and starting from scratch, STF supported three different customer facing UIs (WebTrader, ClientStation and MobileTrader), various database and system interfaces in 3 man years. around 25-30 interfaces of a Saxo System - the overall idea was enabling testing the SYSTEM.

STE: Started with me and two consultants. We installed a full MS System Center, setup ActiveDirectory to support autonomy for the test environment. At a point in time we supported 50+ environments and 750 Windows servers - four man. In order to maintain that I wrote lots of PowerShell scripts to support STE, and a STE prompt.

STS: was a team of six C# scripters that automated test cases.

STX: A team of 3, that executed test cases, and supported customers. a One-Stop-Shop.

ST* all got canned, as Saxo chose another way...

In my time i Saxo I have been "testing services solution architect", and then "test automation architect" responsable for all all test automation. Now I'm Program Test Environment Lead, with a team of three, managing around 250 Windows Servers, and around 5 test test environments.