Navision later on became Microsoft Business Solutions.

At Navision I was headhunted back as program manager for a little team of three, which ported the Navision Server to iSeries (aka AS/400). It shipped, but as Microsoft aquired Navision, this project was canned.

I became program manager (MS lingo for project leader) for a team of ten, which were responsable for creating the client of the "new" generation of ERP with special focus on Longhorn (what later became Vista). This project was called Fenway.

Some years of that, and I got enrolled into build again. This time implementing a system to gate checkins (called SNAP). Did that for a year.

Got enrolled into a test position at my "old" Navision team as tester. Worked on tough and rough projects, that needed special care:-)...

Build stroke again, as I saw the need to bridge the Fenway culture and code into the Navision Organisation. So I created an easy interface towards the MS source control with a embedded build system. I stole with pride, but it worked, and grow a lot, took 2½ years before I was dragged back into a test role... This time as a lead (without people management) for a team of 4 and some vendors.

I was tester as well as part architect for implementing support for the Fenway Client in NTF (Navision Test Framework). It became a team of three and some consultants.

In my last years I worked as well as a Technical Lead.